Bohemian Living Room Re-do
We have lived in our 1930’s home for over 18 years and when we moved in we purchased a new set of leather couches and a large area rug for our living room. Those leather couches and that rug had seen better days, after living with 2 boys, 3 cats and 2 dogs and it was finally time to give them away. Luckily, our youngest son is a newlywed and they were more than thrilled to replace their thrift store finds with our old leftovers!
I really love the eclectic, relaxed, bohemian style and worked hard on selling that idea to my Hubby, Dave. He is a very minimalist, organized, keep it simple kind of guy. If it was up to me I would have macrame curtains, ferns growing in every corner and lots and lots of treasures from all over the world in every corner. I did use the Caribbean prints by artist Don Dahlke, we picked up in Barbados years ago on our belated honeymoon, as the color theme for the new rugs and decor
We ordered our new couches and opted to forgo a traditional coffee table and got a matching leather ottoman instead. I really like it. I can use it as a table and put my feet up on it without feeling guilty.
No more old fashioned, tippy TV trays for us. My best shopping pal Julie made a run with me down to Lewiston, Idaho the day after Christmas to Pier One. I picked up this really great Greer C-Table that has the cutest little cup holder and magazine slot. It is a great table to eat on, write on or use as a side table. It is also a great space saver since it tucks right under the couch when not in use.
We also scored on an AWESOME buy one get one 1/2 off pillow sale. I am a pillow hoarder. Seriously, you should see my bed. I tried to control myself and only purchased 7 pillows. Yes, I said seven, not six. The bird pillow was already on clearance, so that one did not qualify for the b1g1 1/2 off.
I wanted to update our living room and add more color and texture and thought I could do that with an area rug. My artist and shopping pal, Julie had some great advice on that. She said “you should think of the floors just like you would the walls and decorate them with color and pattern.” I found this amazing NuLoom Lizmar Retro 8×10 area rug on Amazon Prime. Hubby, Dave was a little worried about the pink & purple colors in the rug when I showed it to him on Amazon prior to its arrival. But, once he saw it up against his “man” chair he really like it. The bright, vibrant colors are mixed in with some great neutrals and it all just goes together

NuLoom Lizmar Retro Runner Rug 2’5 x 8
Since our whole house is all wood floors and showing their age, I also ordered a 2’5 x 8 Runner in the same pattern to put down the hallway between our 1st floor bedroom and the kitchen. It is a smaller pattern and not too close to the other rug to look to “matchy-mathchy.”
One of the great things about having an older home from the 30’s are all the built-ins. This is a built in bookshelf area in the living room that I use to showcase all of my vintage Hall Teapots and favorite books. Hubby calls it my “junk” – I call it my treasures. Not fun or easy to dust, but I love the colors and shapes.
I hope you get some inspiration from this post and try adding a fun, bright statement rug to one of your rooms. Please share and comment below your own Boho inspired rooms! Kitty and I would LOVE to see them.
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